• Running a kubernetes cluster locally with kubeadm

    I’m going to show you how to get a real kubernetes cluster setup locally on top of virtual machines! I’ll be using multipass but feel free to use virtualbox, proxmox, or whatever your favorite cloud provider is.

    kubeadm a production ready kubernetes install tool and I prefer to use it over minikube, kind, etc. because it gives you a more real world experience for managing the k...

  • Wiping an AWS Account with aws-nuke

    When you're an SRE/DevOps engineer you'll end up making AWS accounts and create a lot of cruft in your sandbox and development accounts. AWS does not make it easy to clear these up but there is a tool called aws-nuke that will do it for you!

    Safe Guards

    aws-nuke has a few safeguards in place to prevent inadvertent data loss. The...

  • Running a kubernetes cluster locally with kind

    Previously I showed how to run kubernetes locally with kubeadm and VMs but sometimes that is overkill so I wanted to show how to run kind which is "kuberetes in docker".

    Creating your first cluster

    kind is a very flexible way to run kubernetes locally and allows you to run single ...

  • AWS From Scratch with Terraform - Setting up your Root Account for IaC with Terraform Cloud and Github actions.

    Following this article will get you setup with an AWS Root account that can be managed through through Terraform Cloud with OIDC and github actions. As a best practice you should not keep long-lived access keys in your CI/CD pipelines when deploying to AWS, instead you should use OIDC (OpenID Connect) to securely deploy to AWS when using Terraform Cloud or Github Actions.